The proponents of LOVEDROGHEDA believe that the future prosperity and well being of Drogheda City is very much dependent on the ability of its people to work together. Many of the projects we are proposing are dependent on groups of people in Drogheda coming together and collaborating.
It is a proven fact that towns and cities that collaborate, are economically and socially vibrant, attract inward investment and funding, are progressive and places that people want to make home.
Many of the projects proposed will involve the BID company and rate payers working together with many organisations in Drogheda and collaborating to make the projects happen. This means conducting business in a positive, respectful and constructive manner.
Love Drogheda BIDs are pleased to bring back the flowering project for 2023!
Flowers outside business premises help bring colour and added vibrancy to the town, adding to the entire streetscape and making the town look more attractive and welcoming. Therefore we are giving BIDs members the opportunity to apply for a flower grant of up to €200 per business to assist with the cost of flowering outside their businesses.
Some changes have been made for 2023:
•Grant increasing to €200 per business
•Pictures of window boxes/hanging baskets should be submitted with application
•Limited budget allocated to this project so applications will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis
Applications form can be requested from hello@lovedrogheda.ie and must be returned, with accompanying pictures and receipts by Wednesday 12th July 2023.