Festoon Lighting
Festoon Lighting
Festoon Lighting
Festoon Lighting
Festoon Lighting
Festoon Lighting
Festoon Lighting

The proponents of LOVEDROGHEDA believe that the future prosperity and well being of Drogheda City is very much dependent on the ability of its people to work together. Many of the projects we are proposing are dependent on groups of people in Drogheda coming together and collaborating.

It is a proven fact that towns and cities that collaborate, are economically and socially vibrant, attract inward investment and funding, are progressive and places that people want to make home.

Many of the projects proposed will involve the BID company and rate payers working together with many organisations in Drogheda and collaborating to make the projects happen. This means conducting business in a positive, respectful and constructive manner.

Determined to add a bit of colour and cheer to the evenings in Drogheda the popular festoon lights along North and South Quays were installed by Love Drogheda BID in 2019 and remain lit throughout the year, though they feature well with the additional Christmas Lights when they get put up also. The festoon lighting was one of Love Drogheda BIDS first projects since getting voted in by rate-payers in 2019. Now a stand-out feature of our gorgeous waterfront, the festoon lights have been greeted with enthusiasm by the public and visitors to Drogheda alike. The work of the Love Drogheda BID was of great interest in its fledgling years and was observed by many other town BIDS. The level of interest in and praise of the festoon lighting was so high, that congratulations came from as far away as Lisburn City who were highly complimentary of what Love Drogheda BID has achieved.

The festoon project would not have been possible without the collaboration of Drogheda Port, Louth County Council and ScotchHall shopping Centre who were only too willing to work with Love Drogheda BIDS.The BID team are delighted at the positive response to the festoon lighting and are thus investigating installing addition festoon lighting throughout the town in the near future.

recent BID Initiatives